Thursday, January 17, 2008

Santa Clara - The Bronco

Santa Clara - January 14th

This was the one day that i had to hang out at home in Carmel Valley and take a shower in my own shower and do laundry and hang out with my sister and dog - the list goes on and on of things i could have done. of course - none of that got done. i went into town to run some errands one of which was getting Bruce (our tour van) a oil change and tire rotation.

they told me it was going to be a while before for oil change which bugged me but i had my iphone and i recently found a site for games so life was good. about an hour later they come out and tell me that "it was good we did the tire rotation because the brakes were worn down to nothing." we bought Bruce (our tour van) from this place recently so they did the brakes for free - which was awesome - but it was gonna be another two hours before it'd be done. so i spent 4 hours sitting in a car dealership only to race home, get the boys in the van, shove food down my throat and get up to santa clara.

i was in a bit of a bad mood having not been able to spend any of the day at home but that was quickly remedied by the wit and humor of the boys.

i knew this was going to be an interesting show. it was a show on a monday night in a college hangout at Santa Clara University. we showed up and there were two bums playing pool and that was about it. By the time we had set up - there were about 15 people sitting around waiting for a show - which is enough for me. this was our first show without max and though he is missed it wasn't as big of a change as we thought. by the end of the show we had a good amount of people listening.

the highlights of the show include: a 50 year old man named Guy who stood about a foot from the stage most of the show asking for John Prine covers - at other times he went around the crowd with the tip jar getting tips for us and selling CDs (we didnt ask him to do this so it made us laugh a bit) and he also got us free pizza as well somehow.

another highlight was when part of a dorm came in and they were on one of those video scavenger hunt type of things where they have to do things while video documenting. one of the group named Kevin said they needed video of him on stage singing a song - we asked him what songs he knew and we ended up backing him in a rendition of What I Got by Sublime.

the show turned out to be a lot of fun and we got CDs out to a lot of new people. i feel blessed that we have had audiences to play to every night so far.

after the show we made our way to berkeley.

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