Thursday, January 17, 2008

Sebastopol - Infusion Tea House

Sebastopol - January 15th.

we spent the night at eric's parent's place. when we arrived after our santa clara gig we were showered with food, food, more food, alcohol and a great place to sleep. the menu included meat loaf and spaghetti. after dinner jason and kellen crashed early while eric, jonathan, alex and i spent some time in the hot tub. it was a great way to end the day. the perfect way in fact.

we got up in the morning and were again greeted by some fantastic food. eric's dad makes scones that are to die for. scones are usually dry and taste like cement - but - these were quite frankly the best scones i've ever had.

after a walk over to indian rock in berkeley we packed up the van and drove up to sebastopol. when i got the gig - i wasn't sure where sebastopol was to be honest. i knew its general location and i knew we would be driving through that area so i took it.

we played the infusion tea house. it was a small but very intimate room. before the show we realized that my capo was no where to be found. so while jason and i went through every bit of the van - eric went over to his aunt's house and got one from there.

the set list was:

fort bragg
sit and stare
southern california
don't forget
a thousand years
roads (solo)
your song (solo - elton john cover)
love to see you smile
morgan the conqueror (by request)
she's suddenly
summer roof

the set list has been pretty similar to this for most of the tour so far.

after the show we packed up and drove to sacramento. we took jonathan to his place while the rest of us went to kellen's place known as the Moddison Manor. jason and i passed out in our clothes on the couch.

alex dita has been along on this tour as a video documentarian. he will have tons and tons of hours in HD video that he hopes to make a documentary out of. we have recorded every show so far and i hope to have some good highlights up on youtube at some point.

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